We provide a wide range of Aluminium Windows, including awning windows, sliding windows, louvre windows and skylight, and all of them have double-glazed option.





awning door

Aluminium Awning Windows

Our awning Window has been designed to provide a neat and streamlined look, featuring modern profiles and glazing beads. Full perimeter sash seals are designed to improve weather tightness and along with the option of double glazing, can provide increased thermal comfort and performance. Being part of the Capral Urban residential awning windows range, it can be integrated with a complementary selection of sliding windows to provide a cohesive window solution for your project.

sliding door

Aluminium Sliding Windows

Our sliding window features clean lines and a streamlined appearance thanks to the squared finish on the mullions and glazing beads. This range can be single or double glazed to offer an enhanced level of thermal comfort and performance. All our residential sliding windows are manufactured with an integrated screen channel allowing for an optional fly screen to be added. 

louvre windows

Aluminium Louvre Windows

Our louvre window is a great option for energy-efficient, bringing natural light and fresh air into sustainable building designs. With blades that open close to horizontal,  our louvre windows allow fresh air to naturally reduce the indoor temperature of the building, refreshing building occupants and reducing the need for power-hungry air conditioning systems.

When closed, louvre windows seal tight to provide superior wind and water performance and offer a range of glazing options to suit Australian climates.


Aluminium Skylights

The Traditional skylight commonly known as skydome is an excellent choice when it comes to Utilizing Nature’s Gift of natural lighting in your home. Rooms are provided with natural light and ventilation, away from the exterior walls, in cost and energy efficiency. The skylights fit all Australian roof types including Corrugated, all Metaldecks, Tile Roofs, and Concrete Roofs.

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Email us, give us a call, or visit our showroom. We are here to answer all your questions and provide you with the best-quality product and the most professional service.


8/15 Darling Street, Mitchell ACT 2911

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